TITAN gold and water dowsing pendulum
TITAN gold and water dowsing pendulum is the choice of the experienced dowser. Suitable for general purpose indoor and outdoor treasure hunting applications.
“GDI pendulum range offers the most compact professional long range locators for gold dowsing”
For your nearest distributor visit www.gdi-detectors.com
Email for enquires info@gdi-detectors.com
PRICE: 75 €
TITAN pendulum can be used by holding also a sample of the desired metal (for example gold) or element (water, oil etc.) you wish to locate. This way TITAN pendulum will be tuned and search specifically for it. When holding a gold object for example, a strong attraction is created to distant gold targets and selectivity when other kinds of metal exist nearby the search area. TITAN pendulum has been designed with a special weight and shape that permits to operate outdoors unaffected by wind. Avoid using a lightweight pendulum for outdoor usage. It will prove useless to windy conditions, as dowser receives false target lines. TITAN pendulum does not react to mineral gold and small particles. It indicates stable target directions without erroneous swings. Offers considerable larger distance and depth capabilities over any other pendulum on the market, while it is priced lower than its competitors.
There are many places for which it is difficult or impossible to obtain permission to enter for the purpose of searching using gold detectors. TITAN pendulum is designed specifically for such situations.
MORE ABOUT TITAN gold and water dowsing pendulum
It is easy to enter such a difficult to search place with TITAN pendulum, and take the necessary readings while no one sees. If someone approaches, TITAN pendulum can becon cealed quickly inside a pouch, which comes as an accessory for TITAN pendulum. Operation of TITAN pendulum is simple. When held as shown in the picture, TITAN endulum swings back and forth in a pendulum – line motion in line with the direction of the attraction. Additional readings are taken to find the location through the method of triangulation or you can just follow the direction that leads to the location.
When you are over the correct target location, TITAN endulum operates in a circular movement.
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Accessory for TITAN
3 Euro